Sunday, October 21, 2012

When Astral Projection Goes Mainstream

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Astral Projection gets proven by science? Mainstream science dismisses astral projection out of hand as being impossible because it breaks the law of physics. It is considered to be a product of imagination, dreams, or hallucinations. For this reason, many people are still skeptical about it.  In Astral projection's defense, the laws of physics doesn't apply in the astral world either. In the astral world, people can fly, walk through walls, or even teleport.  

How is reality defined anyway? Reality is defined by Bob Towbridge of Helium as that which is present to the senses, that which is measurable, that which is universally agreed upon. Or, in some sciences, reality is that whose effect can be seen. He also stated that science believes that it can fully understand reality with the scientific method. It believes in objectivity. Science is limited to the natural and physical world, and so is the process of verification. Can one dispose the idea since we simply lack equipment to control/monitor something when it occurs? 
Physical tools are designed for the physical reality. What do we need for the non-physical reality? Well, probably it's a non-physical tool also known as an 'educated' mind.  

If Astral Projection could be proven by mainstream science and practiced by the masses with the help of the most technologically-advanced devices known to man, what would the world be like then? The thing about science and technology is that, it can be both a gift and a curse. It depends on how we utilize it. The thing about humans is that they to tend be irresponsible and abusive. We either use something for welfare or warfare. Look at what people with the worst intentions produced - weapons for mass destruction!
Here is the list of the things that could happen when astral projection gets proven and monitored, courtesy of Anne Moss of Astral Voyage in her article Astral Projection: to prove, or not to prove?

1. A global economic collapse will emerge

Since time and space can be transcended in the astral, imagine what would happen to the financial markets, lottery, elections and sporting events. This would possibly be exploited for personal gain.The possibilities seem almost infinite. There would be groups, particularly the government, large businesses, and organized special interest groups that would make every measure to prevent this, even with terminal action. 

2) Religious beliefs

Although astral projection is known and accepted in many Eastern cultures, it’s still a new concept in the west. Part of the reason is the diversity of religion. It is not encouraged in other religions, especially by 'Christianity' because they believe it's an occult practice. Imagine what would happen if people begin to discover a lot more than what their religions are teaching them. 

3) A different way of living

Passion for life would cease to exist. People will take their physical bodies for granted and no longer struggle to survive since we are already disconnected from the physical reality. What people should realize is that, we are here on earth for a purpose. Spiritual growth cannot be attained without learning from experiences and mistakes. 

However, we can't deny that Astral Projection can have this profoundly powerful impact on people's lives. We don't have to suffer from physical sickness since it can be detected in the aura even before it manifests in the physical. We'd be able to travel the world without dealing with the expenses since travel experiences is within our reach. 
Do we really need any more proof? Probably the best way is to explore it yourself to get personal proof on this.

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