Sunday, October 7, 2012

Common Astral Projection Myths Demystified

For those people who haven't had enough knowledge about Astral Projection, it's rather easy to pick up misconceptions from the inaccurate movies, articles, and poor descriptions of many people. I, for one, am guilty of believing some of them before. Some of these misconceptions are the primary factors people are afraid to experience and explore what's beyond the physical world. We, humans, tend to fear the unknown and unfamiliar, and get immobilized by it. 

I used to worry about the negative entities I might encounter while I'm away from my physical body. By negative entities, I mean demonic creatures, evil spirits, and those other creatures who intend to do you harm.  This fear stopped me from being able to astral project. I learnt that these entities are parasites; they feed on your fear. You are actually inviting them when you are afraid.

Let me list down the common misconceptions I have come across with over the years.  Let's get the record straight and unlearn what you have learnt.

~ You could die while Astral Projecting.

People have been asking me if one could die while Astral Projecting. According to Dream Herbs, nothing can harm you during Astral Projection. The only possibility that you will die is when someone kills your physical body. If you're actually asking if it's possible that a negative entity could kill you, it is highly unlikely because your body is immaterial. In other words, if you don't wanna die whilst Astral Projecting, choose a safe space to sleep. 

~ You can get lost while travelling in the astral plane.

Most people I know got this wrong idea from the movie Insidious. The truth is, Insidious is a misrepresentation of what Astral Projection really is. Astral practitioners say that the physical body is attached to the astral body through what we call ' Silver Cord'. This Silver Cord provides us with a quick return to our body whenever needed or if there's a slight disturbance in our physical body. Thus, it's not possible to get lost. 

~ The physical body can be possessed while you're astral body is detached from it.

Some people argue that since you are no longer in your physical body, it is vulnerable to possession. Possession is highly impossible, unless you let them take over your body. Moreover, there is no way another entity can possess another body without being that entity. 

Anne said it best in her article entitled 'Possession', " I think of my body similar to that of a "fingerprint"; it is unique and only for myself, and you would have to have a "match" to get back in (or we'd all be accidentally possessing other people!) Possession is extremely rare and is typically associated with deeply troubled youths, or deranged people, NOT astral projectors." If you happen to see another entity standing right next to your physical body, remember that there is no way that it can overpower you. The best way is to ignore them and call for help from the higher beings. If you're still not satisfied, surround your physical body with white light protection before you take off to the astral plane. 

Hopefully, these few myths I listed got you enlightened. Keep in mind that Astral Projection is a mind power and you can control what you wanna see in the astral realm. Keep your vibrations higher by being positive, and everything else will follow. If you have the best intentions, what's there to fear? As the bible says, "Ask and you will receive". Ask for guidance from above and they would protect you and keep you away from danger.

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