Sunday, October 7, 2012

Exercise 1 - Formal Language

For those people who haven't had enough knowledge about Astral Projection, it's rather easy to pick up misconceptions from the inaccurate movies, articles, and poor descriptions of many people. I, for one, am guilty of believing some of them before. Some of these misconceptions are the primary reasons why people are afraid to experience and explore what's beyond the physical world. We, humans, tend to fear the unknown and unfamiliar, and get immobilized by it. 

Misconceptions acquired through the inaccuracies of films, articles, and poor description of people are prevalent among people with a little or no knowledge about Astral Projection. It is believed that these misconceptions are signicant contributing factors that influence fear of experiencing and exploring what’s beyond the physical world. Furthermore, the fear of the unknown and unfamiliar is a normal human behavior that often has an immobilizing effect to an individual.