Saturday, October 20, 2012

Astral Horror/Thriller: Movies for the Halloween Mood

With Halloween slowly creeping around the corner, it gives us a little time to get into the mood. If you feel like you're too old for trick or treat, why not sit back, relax, and get spooked by watching a horror or thriller movie with astral themes? We do not hear much about astral horror and thriller movies. According to Astral Projection - movie website, "Astral horror involves movie themes related to astral projection, time travel, astral worlds, and anything conveying spiritual beings outside of the physical world."    

If you're interested to watch astral horror or astral thriller movies, you might want to check these movies out:
According to the Astral Writer, In A Nightmare on Elm Street, the dream plane represents the astral plane. In the 1984 film of A Nightmare on Elm Street, the main female character, Nancy, induces an out of body experience to move about the dream world. The astral world is where the astral villain, Freddy Krueger, resides. He seeks revenge on the children of the parents that set him on fire. The characters have little power in the astral world other than realizing their state of being in the dream world - lucid dreaming. Once reality of the dream world is realized, the characters are vulnerable to Freddie's powers.  

This film is rare and hard to find. I've never seen it myself, but from what I've read from a review by Neil Messenger in DVD Cult, it's probably worth watching to satiate my curiosity. 

Gabriel Powers of DVD Active described Arnold Masters, the psychic killer, as a gentle recluse who is confined to an asylum because of being convicted for a murder he didn't commit. Not long after his conviction, his mother died of neglect which led him to devote his life to master the art of astral projection and use it to seek revenge to the people who testified against him.

Insidious made a pretty big noise in Hollywood. The film revolves around a family who struggles to uncover the cause of their son's coma. Three months later, they brought him home and disturbing things begin to occur. The family moved to another house, yet the haunting events didn't stop. That's when they realized that what they're dealing with is beyond human comprehension.

 The Astral Writer explained Insidious and Astral Projection best in his article 'Explanation on astral projection in Insidious movie'. He mentioned that Astral projection is executed in the third act, toward the end of the Insidious movie. The movie focuses on the Astral Hell of the subplanes, which is described as "the most undesired and evil subplanes". Insidious portrays Astral Projection as an act with dangerous vile consequences. 

Always keep in mind that these movies are just for entertainment. If you are interested in learning about Astral Projection techniques, don't let these movies mislead you. If you get scared easily, I suggest you to wait until after you've had your first out of body experience, before checking out these movies. If you intend to go to the Astral plane tonight, don't bother watching any horror movie before you sleep. 

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