Sunday, October 21, 2012

Do Animals Astral Project?

Ever since I was a kid, I discovered animals have a sixth sense which gives them the ability to detect certain natural or spiritual phenomena. I am not the type of kid who goes to bed early unless I am asked or even compelled to. Every night, I hear dogs barking and howling. I knew they were seeing something that appears invisible to me. There was even a time when a next-door neighbor of us was terminally ill and their pet dog just won't stop howling for weeks. I really think it's amazing how these pet animals sense stuff.

So I began to wonder, can our pets astral project too? Our pets already sense spirits. Astral travel is knowingly performed through humans controlling the location and scenery in the astral plane. Nevertheless, pets have lucid dreams as well as nightmares. Are pets able to astral travel? 

I've seen dogs lightly barking while having a dream. You can suggest they're having a nightmare. What about an animal taking part in astral travel? Are pets intelligent enough to astral travel?  Most pet owners will identify their pets as intelligent animals. But, are their pets intelligent enough to knowingly astral travel to another astral world beyond this physical world? In my opinion, there is no way to know whether a dog or a cat can astral travel to another dimension. However, if pets can sense spirits that are around the house since their hearing senses are much more advanced than human hearing senses, there's a possibility that a pet can astral travel as a means to escape an abusive household, or sadness since they (dogs)have the same brain structures that produce emotions in humans.  

According to Richard Webster, his astral travel books are mostly written to convey astral travel through the human experience. There is no recollection of  past experiments monitoring or detailing pets who astral travel. How would humans know if their pets astral projected? Honestly, I believe pets can astral travel. They probably have astral projected many times without knowingly understanding the experience.

I've read something from Robert Bruce's book, Astral Dynamics about this matter. In his experience, animals project regularly, especially pets. He has frequently observed pets and other animals roaming the real-time zone. He has also observed his own pets exiting their bodies, which he described as a really fascinating sight.  Animals are rarely seen projecting in higher levels of the astral planes, he frequently encounter them in lower regions accompanying their human friends.

Conducting experiments on pets who astral travel make for some great research. Comparing animal and human brain waves can determine whether astral travel is possible in the animal world. As advanced as our scientists are in the present time, they really don't have the answer on the astral plane, death, and the afterlife. Since animals have minds they're able to control and Astral projection requires a strong, clear mind to experience uncontrollable and controllable events, I believe animals can Astral Project. Dogs, gorillas and monkeys are the most intelligent among the animal species. I believe dogs can astral project into an astral world. They might not understand astral projection, but they can probably control their mind in the astral plane.

Since we, humans, are the only ones who are capable of language that can express the richness of spiritual experience, it is unlikely we will ever know with certainty what an animal subjectively experiences.  Regardless of this restraint, it is still acceptable to conclude that since the most primitive areas of the human brain happen to be spiritual, then we can expect that animals are also capable of spiritual experiences. 


  1. Dog are immensely excited when their human returns after an extended absence. It makes me think that if they could astral project, they'd have visited their human frequently and it would not seem like a long time to them since they'd been together. I think that if they could astral project, they would not forget they experiences as humans are prone to.

  2. Cats spend so much of their time sleeping, they can travel between the worlds. It may be easier for animals to project because they don't have ego awareness.

  3. When I was having trouble sleeping because my cats would play on my bed, I closed my bedroom door to keep them out. They were sad. A couple of nights later, I rolled over and saw (and felt) my female cat bounding across the bed and to the floor. I chalked it up to having been asleep and imagining it, but then an hour later I woke and saw her sitting on my dresser. She is black so it was just a silhouette. I sat up, staring, but there she was. If I focused really hard, I could see through her, but if I relaxed, she appeared solid. When I turned on the light, she was gone. Maybe she wanted to be in the room so much that she astrally projected?

  4. Animals also have the place in Astral world .Astral world is the place to stay after leaving the world where we live after birth.
