Sunday, September 30, 2012

Astral Projection: An Introduction

Have you ever experienced waking up from your sleep and having memories of flying?  How about having such an intense daydream that you thought you were rising out up to the ceiling? Without even knowing it, you've already experienced travelling to the astral plane. 

Not so long ago, I've had an experience where I thought I was awake. I got up from bed and for unknown reasons, I checked my brother out, then I went back to sleep. Suddenly, I felt a cold tingling sensation or vibrations all over my body  then I opened my eyes. Later on, I discovered that I just Astral Projected. 

On a similar note, while browsing the web today, I came across an article on Astral Projection written by J. Shell. 
He pointed out the difference between Astral Travelling, which is a process of projecting the "consciousness" into visual scenes - i.e. in meditation or temple work - with the effect of "feeling" we are actually "there," and Astral Projection, which is the process of projecting our "Astral counterpart" with the effect of "knowing" we are actually "there". 

He also classified Astral Projection into 4 types: Involuntary with no "consciousness", Involuntary with "consciousness", Voluntary with no "consciousness," also known as Remote Viewing, and "Voluntary with "consciousness". In Astral Projection, it is our emotional body (Astral Body) that actually leaves the body and the Astral body is connected to the Physical body through a silver cord.

Have you ever wondered why we Astral Project? What makes it so important and valuable? J Shell listed down few of the reasons why we have OBEs: 
  • Learning. Life training does not stop when we go to sleep. Much information and active work continues on the Astral Planes, particularly during spiritual training.
  • Teaching. Spiritual teaching often continues on the Astral levels, where it is easier to make connection with the subconscious minds of students.
  • Healing. Much active healing work is done by Astral Projection, enabling the healer to become closer to the origins of disease, and avoid "blockages" put up by skeptical or worried clients.
  • Protecting. There are those who are specially trained to work with victims of suicide, accidental death, genocide, war, and protection of the earth generally.
  • Resolving Problems. Personal problems and underlying worries are often "lived out" and resolved during sleep.
  • Wider Perception. A clearer and more objective viewpoint can be gleaned by "looking down" from a higher level than the present personality is able to sustain. Even though we may not seem to remember this, there is often a definite change of attitude after such experience.
Like what J. Shell said in his article, some are more complex than others, and require very specialized training.As for the cause of Astral Projection, he mentioned that "the common cause is through anxiety and worry over particular problems in everyday life, although most people do this quite unconsciously." "Those who "consciously" project are often aware of passing through towns at night, where worried incarnate people have projected quite unconsciously to queue at post offices, banks etc., or are busily trying to resolve problems in the local pub! It is in this way that the majority of people find ways of addressing their difficulties, and that is why things often look much "better" in the morning than they do at night".

Conscious Astral Projection requires practice and effort. From what I've read in a forum way back when I was new to Astral Projection, you'll have to use some special techniques and of course, a desire to go Astral. You could even use Binaural beats or the more advanced version, the Isochronic tones.

On a final note, Astral projection is an innate ability that anyone can experience.It is something which each person already possesses. There are those who can astral project at will and those who have much less success with the technique. Practice makes the difference.

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